Baikal Lake | декабря 3, 2014 версия для печати

222222In the center of Asia you can find a large lake, which is known as the Baikal. It’s water covers a square of 31,5 thousand kilometers. The maximum length is 636 km, the maximum width is 79 km and the minimum is 25 km. The Baikal is the deepest lake in the hole world. The depth in the center of lake reaches 1641 m. The Baikal is a strategically important natural site for all mankind because it has about 20% of world stocks of transparent, fresh, low-mineralized, generously enriched with oxygen water with unique quality. The lake has 336 large and small tributaries. The largest of them are the Selenga, the Upper Angara, the Barguzin Turk Snow. But just one follows from the lake - a powerful and rapid Angara, which flows into the Yenisei. There are 20 islands on the lake. The biggest among them is the Olkhon. One of the most scenery train routes – runs along Baikal Lake shores.

The lake is surrounded by high mountains with snowy peaks. Their crests of ridges are removed from the Baikal 10-20 km or more, approaching close to the shores. Steep cliffs far away deep into the lake, often leaving no space even for a pedestrian trail.The Baikal’s age is about 25 million years. Usually lake with age of 10-20 thousand years is considered to be old. But there is no evidence that the Baikal is too old and is going to disappear from the territory of Earth. Different researchs of the lake helped geophysicists to make a theory that this lake is a nascent ocean. This is confirmed by the fact that it's banks diverge at a speed of 2 cm per year, just as divergent continents of Africa and South America.Formation of it’s shores hasn’t finished yet. During one year on Lake Baikal are registrated a record number of 2,000 small tremors.

In the lake live about 56 species of fish. Baikal is unique natural object also for it’s natural features. Here, for example, in one year there are more sunny days than on the famous Black Sea resorts. Don’t remember that it is the middle of Siberia, where the average temperature is negative (about 1.4 degrees under zero in Irkutsk). In the warmest period of the year the water temperature in the lake does not exceed 12-15 degrees.

Take along riches of Siberia Lake Baikal. This is the greatest mystery that nature has provided, and nobody can solve it until now. Tense debate about how Baikal originated - as a result of the inevitable transformations or slow because of the monstrous disaster and failure in the crust.


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